To provide a smart, tidy and safe environment and project an image which is consistent with the high-quality values and standards of the businesses which operate on Brackmills
Regular projects the BID performs includes:
Litter bin collection and street furniture cleaning
In order to improve the estate’s appearance since 2012 the BID has invested in 54 litter bins placed throughout the estate to encourage people to keep the estate tidy. The bins are collected weekly to avoid litter build-ups.
The BID also undertakes an annual programme of sign and bin cleaning to ensure the street furniture on the estate retains a smart appearance.

Roundabout and shrub bed maintenance
Since 2012 the BID has had an agreement with Northamptonshire County Council to maintain the roundabouts at an enhanced level over and above the the statutory service levels.
The roundabout near the estate entrance from the A45 has been upgraded to include a new welcome sign, flower beds and at Christmas the trees on the roundabout are illuminated.
Each month the six estate roundabouts are litter picked, mown and shrubs pruned to remain a tidy appearance.
New projects being explored by the BID in 2019-2024:
Business Litter Picks
In the summer of 2019, the BID purchased litter pickers and gloves to help enable businesses on the estate to perform litter picks with volunteers from their own businesses.
Tuesday, August 13th saw a team from HARTING Ltd based on Caswell Road be the first business to test the equipment as they performed a litter pick in a loop around their business along Caswell Road and the cycle path that runs to the rear of their premise.
Business Nature and Conservation Projects
The last ten years have seen the BID plant over 10,000 spring bulbs around the estate, and work with Groundwork Northants to install bird and bat boxes on the cycle path than runs to the rear of Caswell Road.
We have been made aware that businesses are also undertaking a wide range of nature and conservation initiatives to include creating habitats for bugs or installing bee hives.
Email the BID with what your businesses is doing, or if you would like to look into undertaking an environment project on the estate.